Please then select the topic related to your enquiry. Then complete the form that will appear and send it to us. Find all Tefal Consumer services online: download the user manual and guarantee, find a repairer and find the accessories and spare parts for your product.
We and our partner repairers are doing our utmost to meet your needs as quickly as possible. To know the specific situation in your country, please contact your local Consumer Service Center listed below. Need to find a Tefal approved center? If your item is out of guarantee you can visit one of our local Tefal Home and Cook Outlets or contact our authorised service agent directly to arrange a repair directly.
The red pin represents a Tefal Authorised Repair Centre and resellers of original parts and accessories. Any query about Tefal products, services or corporate information ? You can contact us using a simple webform to create a case, please select the topic related to your enquiry. The Tefal guarantee covers domestic use only.

It does not cover professional or commercial use. Before contacting the customer service , have you checked other service sections? INFORMACIJE - COVID 19. Situacija Covid-utjecala je na sve naše svakodnevne aktivnosti. Chcete-li najít nejbližší servis , zadejte do pole pro vyhledávání (vlevo nahoře) adresu, město nebo PSČ a klikněte na „OK“.
Informace COVID-Opatření reagující na Covid-ovlivnila všechny naše každodenní činnosti. ETC SERVIS se bavi servisiranjem uređaja marke Tefal. Pružanjem kvalitetnih usluga ETC servis se razvio u pouzdanog partnera Tefal kompanije. Stručno osoblje koje se redovno usavršava na specijalizovanim seminarima u cilju što efikasnije servisne podrške, uvek će vam izaći u susret u našem servisnom centru u Beogradu. Does your Tefal product need to be repaired ? Find a Tefal repair service centre in your area by entering a city, a postal code or an address.
Tefal vam pruža najbolju tehnologiju i inovativna rješenja za pripravu hrane i pića, ugodu u domu, čišćenje, njegu rublja i ljepotu. Tefal pruža najbolju tehnologiju s inovativnim rješenjima za pripremu hrane i pića, udobnost doma, čišćenje, održavanje veša i uljepšavanje. La vente daccessoires nest pas Disponible en ligne pour la. Tefal poskytuje nejlepší technologii inovativních řešení pro přípravu pokrmů a nápojů, komfort, úkli péči o prádlo a tělo.
Navštivte oficiální web Tefal. Very poor customer service. Bought a set of new Tefal pans from Amazon. One of the pans has a loose handle. I reported this to Amazon who said I should go to Tefal so I filled in a web form asking for a replacement pan including a receipt.
I heard nothing from Tefal for a long time. Dear Repair it Reuse it team, I would just like to thank you all very much for repairing my Tefal iron. It was collecte repaired and delivered back all so efficiently and I just wanted to thank everyone concerned. Get set for tefal pans at Argos.
Same Day delivery days a week £3. Find Tefal from the Home department at Debenhams. Relevance Price: Low - High Price: High - Low Customer Rating. Tefal Easycare Piece Aluminium Frying Pan Set - Black.

Tefal Superior Cook 32cm Non-Stick Frying Pan.
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